ENG 47000 Seminar in Writing

Students complete a portfolio project demonstrating that they have achieved a significant level of mastery in one of the principal genres. Portfolios typically consist of a collection of a dozen or more poems; 2-to-4 short stories, one-act plays, or non-fiction pieces; or a novella-length work of fiction, a full-length play, or an equivalent feature-length television or film script. During the course students develop their work through successive revisions until, in the instructor's judgment, the required level of mastery has been obtained. English Preparedness Program See later section of the course descriptions section for English Preparedness Program (EPP) courses. English as a Second Language Program See the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program description, appearing later in the catalog, for a description of the ESL program and all ESL (pre-college) courses. Entrepreneurial Studies




ENG 31100.


Spring semester only.