
The faculty, administration, and staff of Lindenwood University are dedicated to sustaining excellent educational programs and learning environments. Therefore, we are also committed to mission-based, comprehensive, and data-driven assessment for the purpose of continuous institutional improvement and effectiveness.

Given the above commitment, the Culture of Continuous Improvement statement below serves as a compass in guiding our assessment and continuous improvement efforts. The statement describes the type of institutional culture that is needed to live out that commitment.

A Culture of Continuous Improvement: Defining Characteristics

  1. The institution publicly affirms its commitment to effectiveness and continuous improvement and, in so doing, recognizes the need for accountability to its stakeholders.
  2. The institution values effectiveness and continuous improvement in all facets and levels of its operations (e.g., individual professional development, classroom teaching and learning, program review, measurement of graduate success, student and employee satisfaction, governance).
  3. Comprehensive and integrative assessment is conducted for the purpose of continuous improvement.
  4. The leadership of the institution understands, values, and provides strong support for efforts related to assessment and continuous improvement.
  5. Assessment for learning and of learning is valued, supported, and recognized.
  6. Efforts to improve teaching are valued, supported, and recognized.
  7. All aspects of the assessment process are conducted with a spirit of collaboration among colleagues within all programs and departments. There is collective investment in the commitment to effective teaching and learning and overall institutional effectiveness.
  8. Both faculty and staff value inquiry and the important role of evidence in the decision-making processes associated with continuous improvement. Multiple forms of direct and indirect evidence are used to make decisions annually.
  9. Assessment processes and results are integrated within the institution’s planning and budgeting processes – the institution commits the necessary resources to support its assessment program, and assessment results inform both planning and budgeting.
  10. The institution understands the critical importance of sustainable and transparent assessment practices, including documenting and sharing intended outcomes and objectives, appropriate methods of assessment, the results of assessment, and initiatives to “close the loop” wherein the results are used for continuous improvement.


Lindenwood University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The University complies with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other legislation, as amended, including the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other legislation that prohibits discrimination in employment and access to educational programs because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or physical handicap.

Lindenwood University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and dedicated to providing a positive discrimination-free educational and work environment. Any kind of discrimination, harassment, or intimidation is unacceptable. For the purpose of this policy, discrimination, harassment, and intimidation may be defined as any attempt on the part of individuals, groups, or recognized campus organizations to deny an individual or group those rights, freedoms, or opportunities available to all members of the University community. The University is committed to meeting the full intent and spirit of the anti-discrimination laws, not merely the minimum letter of the law. Inquiries concerning the application of Lindenwood University’s policy on nondiscrimination should be directed to the University’s Vice President for Human Resources.

Lindenwood University complies with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) as amended; the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 101-690); the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Acts of 1990 (final regulations published 1995, as revised 1999); and the Campus Securities Disclosures Section 485 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 (final regulations published 1994, with technical corrections published 1995, as revised 1999); the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (the Higher Education Amendments of 1992, as revised in the Amendments of 1998); and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the Buckley Amendment), as amended, including Section 507 of the Patriot Act of 2001 and seeks to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for students and employees.

Lindenwood University is proud of its diverse population, which includes faculty and staff from all corners of the world and students from six continents and nearly 100 countries. We believe that our diversity and commitment to valuing diversity, both in and out of the classroom, places us on the cutting edge of scholastic and pedagogical innovations, preparing our students to be educated, responsible citizens of a global community. Intentionally, we design our policies in such a manner that all stakeholders (whether students, employees, or visitors) will be treated with respect, dignity, fairness, equality, and inclusiveness in the pursuit and achievement of the objectives of their relationship with the University.

Additionally, we strive to ensure the opportunities afforded by the University for learning, personal advancement, and employment are offered to all without discrimination; and that we always provide a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment for all students, employees, and visitors. Upholding a culture of diversity, equality, and inclusion means that we fully understand and accept the fact that people of different cultures, races, colors, genders, ages, qualifications, skills, experiences, religions, orientations, affiliations, sexual orientations, socio-economic backgrounds, abilities, disabilities, or countries of origin are simply fellow human beings who are different and have the right to be different without being mistreated or discriminated against on the basis of their differences. Therefore, all Lindenwood policies, facilities, resources, activities, and privileges, irrespective of individual differences, are made available and accessible to everyone in our community.

At Lindenwood University, we will strive to

  • Offer collaborative and integrated academic and sporting programs that provide mutually beneficial experiences (locally and internationally) to our diverse body of students.
  • Pursue and promote mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation among our teaching and non-teaching staff, contractors, suppliers, and visitors to our community who represent the aforementioned differences.
  • Respect the knowledge, skills, and experiences that every person in our community brings to the University.
  • Design and operate flexible and easily accessible services, facilities, and activities whose procedures appropriately recognize the needs of both the able and disabled.
  • Make every effort to ensure that no discrimination occurs among individuals or groups in the daily discharge of the University’s work.
  • Protect every member of our community against all forms of discrimination.
  • Encourage and promote the empowerment and advancement of ethnic and gender minority groups within our community through academic and social activities, offering activities of special interest to them, and affording them equal-opportunity integration within our community.
  • Make every effort to ensure that our current and future contractual agreements and obligations fully reflect and embrace our commitment to the philosophy and culture of diversity, equality, and inclusion as delineated in this statement.
  • Encourage all faculty and staff members to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion in all locations within our community.