Withdrawing from Classes
To withdraw from a course with a W, students must complete and sign a withdrawal form before the last day to withdraw with a W, secure the signature of their academic advisor, and, if they have attended the course at least once, the signature of the instructor of the course. Students wishing to withdraw from a course after the deadline to withdraw with a W will receive either a grade of WP (withdraw passing) or WF (withdraw failing).
The deadline for WP/WF grades shall be a date for each term as set annually on the Academic Calendar at the two-thirds mark of the term. Neither grade will affect the student’s grade point average. (Students should also refer to the Withdrawal and Refund section of this catalog.) Late withdrawals will be approved only under extreme circumstances. Only extraordinary, documented reasons for withdrawing after the stated deadline will be honored. Requesting a late drop due to a low grade in the class, lack of interest in the subject matter, a different learning style from that of the classroom professor, or a change of major/requirements are not reasons that will be honored. If a student believes that extraordinary circumstances require withdrawing from a class after the deadline, the student must complete the following steps:
- Write a letter fully specifying the reasons for the withdrawal.
- Gather supporting documentation (physical report, court documents, hospital documents, etc.)
- Meet with the academic advisor to complete a Late Withdrawal form.
- Meet with the dean of the school for a signature on the form.
- Submit completed form and documentation to the Associate Provost.
If approved, the student will receive either a Withdraw Pass (WP) or a Withdraw Fail (WF), depending upon the grade at the time the student withdrew. If a student determines, after the term has ended, that a withdrawal from a class would have been the best option, he/she may request that the grade assigned be changed to a WP/WF by using the procedure described above.