Graduation Requirements

In addition to completing the work necessary to qualify for a baccalaureate degree, the student must meet the School of Accelerated Degree Programs graduation requirements within the scope of the specific degree program designed with the help of their academic advisor. The following are the overall requirements for graduation from the School of Accelerated Degree Programs with a baccalaureate degree:

  1. Successful completion of at least 120 semester hours.
  2. Successful completion of the general education requirements.
  3. Demonstration of a satisfactory knowledge of English in oral and written forms, as evaluated by the faculty advisor and instructor each term.
  4. Completion and approval of the capstone course.
  5. Completion of the last 24 semester hours of study within the Lindenwood University system.
  6. Forty two (42) semester hours must be upper division courses, numbered 30000 or above.
  7. Completion of at least 50 percent of the courses required for a major within the Lindenwood University system.
  8. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in all courses taken within the Lindenwood University system, as well as in the student’s major.