IIT-Information Technology

IIT 21500 Programming Logic and Design

This course will introduce students to computer programming concepts and approaches to computer logic.  A popular programming language will be used to demonstrate these concepts.



IIT 21600 Introduction to Game Programming

This course will introduce students to the framework for designing games for computers and mobile devices for entertainment.



IIT 21700 Introduction to Business Programming

This course will introduce students to the framework for designing games for computers and mobile devices for business productivity.



IIT 36600 Fundamentals of Data Center Virtualization

This course will cover the concepts of Data Center Virtualization, including virtual machines, storage, operations, and networking.  Availability, scalability, optimization, and management challenges will be addressed.  A common virtualization product will be used to demonstrate these challenges and their solutions.




ICS 31100, ICS 31200.

IIT 36700 Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the business challenges can be resolved by cloud computing.  Elasticity, efficiency, availability, and management challenges will be addressed.  A common virtualization product will be used to demonstrate these challenges and their solutions.




ICS 31100, ICS 31200.

IIT 36800 Fundamentals of Desktop and Mobility Virtualization

This course will provide students with an understanding of the challenges in End User Computing and mobile device management. Areas of discussion will include virtual desktops, clones, pools, application virtualization, mobile device management solutions and device access will be discussed. A common virtualization product will be used to demonstrate these challenges and their solutions.




ICS 31100, ICS 31200.

IIT 37700 Fundamentals of HTML

This course will introduce development concepts as well as HTML/DHTML tags used to create Web pages. Interface design standards, e-Commerce trends and Web security issues will be discussed.



IIT 37800 Applications in Web Development

This course will introduce procedures for developing and testing Web pages using the Microsoft Visual Studio. Other development environments will be explored and reasons for choosing one development environment over another will be discussed.



IIT 37900 Applications in Website Publishing

This course covers the techniques used to implement a website design and will examine the architecture, security, Web-hosting and usability issues with developing Web-based applications for the World Wide Web.



IIT 42400 Data Center Virtualization Administration

This course explores the administrative functions (installation, configuration, and management) of data center virtualization technologies. Areas around security, scalability, supportability, and configuration best practices will be discussed using a variety of business driven scenarios based on the size of the organization (i.e. small, medium, large enterprises).




IIT 36600, IIT 36700, IIT 36800.

IIT 42500 Cloud Computing Administration

This course explores the administrative functions (installation, configuration, support, and management) of cloud computing technologies. Areas around tenancy, security, scalability, supportability and cloud hosting best practices will be discussed using a variety of business driven scenarios based on the size of the organization (i.e. small, medium, large enterprises).




IIT 36600, IIT 36700, IIT 36800.

IIT 42600 Desktop and Mobility Virtualization Administration

This course explores the administrative functions (installation, configuration, support, and management) of desktop and mobile management technologies. Areas around device access, security, supportability, and mobility management best practices will be discussed using a variety of business driven scenarios based on the size of the organization (i.e. small, medium, large enterprises).




IIT 36600, IIT 36700, IIT 36800.

IIT 47700 Fundamentals of User Interface Design

This course will introduce the steps involved with analysis and design of web based solutions. Project life cycle concepts will be presented and used as a guideline for the Web project. This course will also cover procedures for testing and debugging Web-based applications.



IIT 47800 Object-Oriented Web Development

This course will introduce object-based programming terminology and concepts. Programming principles will be presented in JavaScript, VBScript, and ASP.NET.



IIT 47900 Multi-Tiered Web Programming

This course will cover the techniques used to implement a multi-tiered Website design. This course will also examine the architecture and programming issues involved with developing distributed client/ server applications for the World Wide Web.




IIT 21100; IIT 21200; IIT 21400; IIT 37700; IIT 37800; IIT 37900

IIT 35100 Database Analysis and Design Concepts

This course explains the components of a database system. It stresses data modeling, data normalization, and database design.



IIT 45200 Database Application Implementation

Students will develop a database in this course using Microsoft Office DBMS. The course will cover application design, object based implementation, and foundations of relational implementation.



IIT 45300 Database Project Implementation

Students will become familiar with Structured Query Language and SQL Server, embedding SQL in host languages, client server and related applications and distributed processing.




IIT 21100; IIT 21200; IIT 21400

IIT 33200 Fundamentals of Cyber Security

This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of network security, compliance and operational security, threats and vulnerabilities, application data and host security, access control and identity management, and cryptography.



IIT 33300 Secure Social Interaction in a Digital World

This course will explore social media and implications for personal and corporate security. Students will develop policy and procedure for the secure use of social media in enterprise.



IIT 33400 Ethical Issues in Cyber Security

This course will discuss information technology law and ethics. Students will investigate real world cases through a law and ethics filter. Students will develop a personal code of ethics for use as information technology professionals.



IIT 32100 Networking Essentials

This class will introduce the student to the basics of designing and implementing a modern computer network. It will include an introduction to the elements of the OSI model, protocols, basic network architectures, and requisite basic hardware.



IIT 32200 Network Applications

This course is an introduction to computer networks and network operating systems. In series of short, practical problems, students will evaluate, troubleshoot, research, and resolve real world networking situations. These problems will include operational difficulties, disaster recovery policies and procedures, network maintenance, and end-user training issues.



IIT 32300 Network Implementation-A Case Study and Simulation

In this class, the students (working in small groups) will design (or modify) a network for a small business or home office. Working within an assigned budget, the group will research requisite equipment, define the network architecture, and present a proposal for implementation that includes a time line, labor costs, and guidelines for training and ongoing support.



IIT 33100 Project Cost and Schedule Estimating

This course is an introduction to the theory and applications of Project Cost and Schedule Estimating including life cycle cost, staffing profiles, GUI and object metrics, cost by phase and activity, lines of code, and project risks.



IIT 43200 Project Management Process

A course in the theory of project management involving planning, organizing, staffing, tracking, measurement, and evaluation. Topics include defining projects, developing networks, managing risk, scheduling resources; inter organizational relations, and international projects.



IIT 43300 Cost and Scheduling Applications

This course emphasizes problem solving skills needed in project management. The student will be exposed to multiple cost and scheduling systems. Training and problem specific assignments will be given using Microsoft Project.




IIT 21100; IIT 21200; IIT 21400

IIT 48900 Information Technology Capstone

As an overview of Information Technologies in general, this course will cover the history and basic design features of computers including the major components of a computer system and the impact of developing technologies on business. Topics will include an overview of hardware, software, operating systems, operating environments, system development methodologies, and emerging technologies. It will also explore concepts of information management and production systems as they apply to Office Automation and problem solving using microcomputer, based solutions.




Completion of all 54 hours in major or permission of the program director.

IIT 48100 Introduction to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

This course prepares students to implement the Project Management Body of Knowledge and prepare to perform Project Management functions.  It is an introduction to the theory and applications of Project Cost and Schedule Estimating including life cycle cost, staffing profiles, GUI, and objects metrics, and cost by phase and activity, lines of code, and project risks.  It is a course in the theory of project management involving planning, organizing, staffing, tracking, measurement, and evaluation.  Topics include defining projects, developing networks, managing risk, scheduling resources; inter organizational relations, Agile methods and international projects.  In addition, the student will learn the real world implications of the technologies as they are actually used in the current technological climate.  This course prepares the student to be a practitioner in the network field of Information Technology.  This course is part of cluster; however, it will be taught in sequence.




Last Cluster in IIT or ICS.

IIT 48200 Introduction to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge

This course provides an opportunity for anyone considering a career in business analysis and who has no prior BA experience to gain a comprehensive understanding of the business analyst role.  Students will have the knowledge to perform effectively as an entry level business analyst.  In addition, the student will learn the real world implications of the technologies as they are actually used in the current technological climate.  This course prepares the student to be a practitioner in the network field of Information Technology.  This course is part of cluster; however, it will be taught in sequence.




Last Cluster in IIT or ICS.

IIT 48900 Information Technology Capstone

This course will be culminating project course for the student’s degree program. The instructor will act as a mentor to guide the students through the completion of a portfolio or other project document that will demonstrate their successful completion of the goals of the degree.




Must be taken upon completion of all IIT coursework or concurrent with last cluster.


St. Charles location every term.

IIT 49200-49600 Special Topics in Information Technology

