Appealing Academic Suspension

Upon academic suspension, a student who wishes to resume studies must first appeal the suspension in writing. The appeal must be received and reviewed prior to the beginning of the term following the student’s suspension. The Vice President for Student and Academic Support Services and an appeals committee will review the student’s letter of appeal, along with the student’s academic history and overall academic performance. The student’s instructors and academic advisor may provide feedback that contributes to the ultimate approval or denial of the student’s appeal of academic suspension.

Continuously enrolled students whose appeals of academic suspension are granted will resume their studies on probation. Any student who discontinued studies for less than one year and who departed the University under academic suspension must appeal the suspension before being readmitted. Upon readmission, such students will be subject to the requirements in the catalog in effect at the time they were first admitted to the University.

Any student who discontinued studies for more than one year and who departed the University under academic suspension must appeal suspension before being readmitted. Upon readmission, such students will be subject to the requirements in the catalog in effect at the time of their return.

Note: Students will be notified of their academic suspension by both U.S. mail and Lionmail and will be provided with guidelines for writing a letter of appeal, including a specific date by which the appeal must be received. If a student’s appeal is not received by the date specified, the student will be dropped from all classes, and, if a resident, the student's campus housing will be cancelled.