Incomplete (I)

A grade of I (incomplete) is given at the end of a term only for failure to complete the coursework because of exceptional circumstances beyond the student’s control, such as an extended illness, hospitalization, or death of a close relative requiring absence from class for a significant period of time. An incomplete is not an alternative for the student who is failing the course or who has excessive absences. An incomplete is not an option for the student who has consistently missed or been tardy with assignments. A student should have attended all cluster meetings to date and should be relatively current with the assignments in order to qualify for the extension afforded through an incomplete grade. Incompletes should be offered only toward the end of the term for students who were progressing satisfactorily in the class before the exceptional circumstances arose. Students must contact their faculty advisors for additional information about requesting an incomplete grade in a cluster. 

A grade of I (incomplete) must be resolved prior to the end of the subsequent term; otherwise, the incomplete will be converted to an F. Any request to extend the time needed to resolve the grade of incomplete must be submitted to the Office of Academic Services no later than two weeks before the date the grade is due. Requests will then be sent to the appropriate school dean and the associate provost to be considered for approval.