MGMT 36033 Business Analytics I

This course provides an introduction to business analytics, which involves the use of statistical, predictive and optimization models to transform data into insight for making better decisions. An important goal is to encourage a more disciplined thinking process in the way a manager approaches management decision situations and to apply mathematical modeling with spreadsheets to decision making.  Topics covered will include data visualization, forecasting, linear optimization, transportation and transshipment problems and simulation modeling. Hands-on projects and cases will relate to problems arising in a variety of functional areas of business, including finance, accounting, economics, marketing, sport management and supply chain management. Lab fee may be required.




a C or better MGMT 24000; a grade of C or better in MTH 14100 or MTH 24100 and in one of the following courses: MTH 14200, MTH 15100, MTH 15200, MTH 17300, MTH 17500, MTH 27100 or MTH 27200.


**Updated November 2019. Please see the November 2019 addendum for more information.