EDS 63000 Behavior Change Procedures for Applied Behavior Analysis

This course examines fundamental elements of behavior change and the selection and implementation of behavior analytic interventions. Students will learn to use: modeling and imitation training, shaping, chaining, discrete-trial, free-operant, and naturalistic teaching arrangements, equivalence-based instruction, as well as high-probability instructional sequences. In addition, this course will explore the use of reinforcement procedures to weaken behavior (e.g. DRA, FCT, DRO, DRL, NCR), operant extinction, positive and negative punishment (e.g. time-out, response cost, overcorrection), token economies, group contingencies, contingency contracting, and self-management strategies. Students will state intervention goals in observable and measurable terms, identify potential evidence-based interventions, recommend intervention goals based on contextual and environmental variables, alternative functionally-equivalent behaviors for increase, plan for unwanted effects of reinforcement, extinction, and punishment procedures, and monitor client progress and treatment integrity. Based on Sections 2 G5, G7-9, G12-20, and H1-6 of the BACB Fifth Edition Task List. Students will complete the key assessment for EdS Standard 2, Quality Indicator 1. Specifically, EdS students will write a reflection paper discussing the impact of classroom culture on their choice of intervention strategies discussed in class.
