IMF 60200 Submitting Work for Publication

The course combines a workshop with practical instruction for publishing creative writing. Each student will workshop one essay, short story, or three poems; these pieces must be works previously workshopped in the program. They should be well-edited but need final polishing to meet the standard of publication. As part of the workshop process, students will research publications that would be suitable matches for the piece. Drawing on Duotrope, Submittable, and other tracking and notification tools, the class will learn how to rate publications, understand their preferences, make decisions about the submission process, and track the status of their submissions. The class also will explore ways to apply these lessons post-graduation in writing groups and with writing partners. To enroll in this course, a student should have completed at least one workshop course in the Lindenwood MFA program, is comfortable with the workshop process, and is ready to explore ways to publish.
