Tutoring Services

Peer tutoring from many academic areas is available to help students who need help understanding course material. Peer tutors are student workers available in SASS within the Library and Academic Resources Center. Tutoring for course topics requiring special equipment or models will take place in the appropriate academic buildings outside of SASS. An available tutor list identified by topic and location can be found at http://www.lindenwood.edu/tutor. Students also may contact SASS at sass@lindenwood.edu or call (636) 949-4699 with additional tutoring services questions. Students are also encouraged to ask their classroom professors about possible tutoring assistance.

Lindenwood also offers online tutoring from www.Tutor.com, which is available to any Lindenwood student. Online tutors are available in a variety of subjects to work with students 24 hours a day, depending upon the subject area. Completed drafts of writing assignments may also be submitted to Tutor.com for detailed, personalized feedback. Students may access online tutoring through Canvas.