Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is an exceptionally serious offense to oneself and one’s colleagues given that “the fabric of a learning community is woven by a bond of trust [which assumes that] the work to which we affix our names is our own.” To act in such a way that compromises this trust is to “undermine the contract of good faith on which productive study and the open exchange of ideas is based.” Therefore, students wishing to maintain formal membership in the Lindenwood learning community must display the high level of integrity expected of all its members.

According to Lindenwood University Academic Honesty policy, names of undergraduate students found guilty of cheating, plagiarizing, or deception (including lying) will be sent to the office of the University Associate Provost. A first offense of academic dishonesty may result in a reduced or failing grade on the work/test or failure of the course. A second offense will lead to failure of the class, and a third offense will result in expulsion from the university. Any questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Associate Provost.

Following the end of the fall and spring semesters, the Provost announces the names of semester undergraduate students who were enrolled full time and achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or above.

The Lindenwood faculty awards general honors to those undergraduate students who have completed all degree requirements with academic distinction. In order to be eligible for general honors, a student must have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours “in residence” at Lindenwood University. (Transferred credits and experiential learning credits do not count toward “in residence” credit hours.) Students whose Lindenwood cumulative grade point averages fall within the ranges below are eligible for the honors as follows:

  • The student who achieves a cumulative grade point average between 3.70 and 3.85 receives the degree cum laude.
  • The student whose cumulative grade point average is between 3.86 and 3.93 receives the degree magna cum laude.
  • The student who achieves a cumulative grade point average of 3.94 or above receives the degree summa cum laude.

University Honors are reserved for exceptional students who demonstrate intelligence, initiative, and perseverance in fulfilling requirements beyond those asked of others. Meeting these expectations exhibits the students’ commitment to excellence; such students are members of the University’s Honors College.

The Honors College offers students a special opportunity to be recognized for excellence and extra effort in their coursework. Graduating with such honors is the highest award Lindenwood bestows. This achievement is announced at graduation and recipients wear purple braids at the ceremony. “University Honors” also appears on the student’s diploma and transcript. All courses completed for honors credit are designated as such on the student’s transcript. The President of the University also presents a certificate to those graduating with University Honors at the Honors Convocation.

To apply for membership in the Honors College, an incoming freshman must score a 29 or above on the ACT. Incoming honor students may take up to 19 credit hours in their first term without being charged an overload fee. A transferring or returning student must have a 3.3 GPA to apply for honors courses.

Honors courses are offered in two formats: Each semester, several courses have designated honors sections, in which every student is enrolled for honors credit. These sections are smaller than traditional sections, with more class discussion and individual contact with the professors than traditional sessions. To achieve honors credit from an honors section, a student must earn an A or a B in that course. Alternatively, any undergraduate course may be taken for honors credit with the permission of the professor. To earn honors credit in a non-honors section, students must successfully complete an extra project mutually agreed upon by the professor and student and earn an A in the course.

To graduate with University Honors, a student must complete 24 hours of honors credit. To do so, a student may either (a) enroll in up to 12 hours of 10000-level honors sections and earn the remaining 12 hours of honors credit in traditional courses, level 30000 or above, taken for honors credit or (b) enroll in six hours of traditional 10000-level courses for honors credit and earn the remaining 18 hours of credit in traditional courses taken for honors credit at or above the 20000-level.