Proficient Graduates Guarantee

Lindenwood University has an excellent placement rate for its graduates because it educates the whole person. A degree from Lindenwood means that its holder is adept at reading, writing, speaking, and problem-solving—all the traits by which society judges one’s education level and general competence.

Lindenwood University guarantees that its graduates are proficient and successful communicators. The University evaluates each student’s proficiency in written communication not only in the freshman composition courses but also following the completion of the second composition course, when a writing-proficiency assessment is given. Based on the results of that assessment, any student who needs to sharpen competencies in grammar, punctuation, or syntax takes an additional writing course, ENG 21000 Writing Proficiency Lab, prior to graduation. This ensures that any student who graduates from Lindenwood masters the writing abilities necessary for success in the professional world and everyday life. As the Association of American Colleges has stated, “A bachelor’s degree should mean that its holders can read, write, and speak at levels of distinction and have been given many opportunities to learn how. It also should mean that many do so with style.”

In addition to ensuring writing proficiency, the University’s standard-setting General Education (GE) Program assures that every Lindenwood graduate has been exposed to the essential knowledge amassed by humankind across the ages and has acquired the basic thinking and communication skills needed for both adapting to and shaping the world. Lindenwood’s broad-based curriculum in the arts and sciences produces free men and women—enlightened, self-determining, productive citizens of a democracy.

The University encourages students to work with the Career Development office to build a customized summary of his or her personal and professional experiences. This distinctive résumé document not only includes the students’ academic preparation and career interests but also their leadership posts, community experience, work experience, and co-curricular achievements. It is through this investment in career development that the University encourages holistic growth of its students: amelioration in the cognitive, spiritual/ethical, physical, and social realms. Thus, Lindenwood graduates are educated, not simply trained.

Front cover design and photograph by Olivia Saldaña Reimers, BA 2012.