EDSBA 56001 Master's Thesis - Behavior Analysis
Students will develop competence in defining a research problem, designing a method to address the problem, and conducting and reporting an investigation that carries out the method to conclusion. Experimental theses will include students developing a research topic based on existing literature, completing a literature review specific to the research topic leading to the purpose of the thesis, developing methods for addressing the research topic which allows for replication and experimental control, obtaining IRB approval, submitting a proposal for committee review and approval, collecting data according to outlined methods, providing results following data collection, providing a conceptual analysis to interpret the results that discusses limitations and guides future areas of research, and submitting a final written thesis for committee review and approval. Thesis equivalent projects will include a proposal that describes the work to be conducted, the work itself, and a report of the work that describes the rationale, method, outcome, and an evaluation of the outcome.