Incomplete (I)

A grade of I (incomplete) is given at the end of a term only for failure to complete coursework due to exceptional circumstances beyond the student’s control, such as an extended illness, hospitalization, or death of a close relative requiring absence from campus for more than a few days. When assigning an incomplete grade, the professor should consider whether the student is capable of successfully completing the course. Incompletes should be offered only toward the end of the term for students who are, at the time, successfully completing the coursework.

An “I” (incomplete) grade must be resolved prior to the end of the next semester; otherwise, it automatically becomes an F. Any request to extend the time needed to complete an “I” must be submitted to the Office of Academic Services no later than two weeks before the date the grade is due. Requests will then be sent to the appropriate school dean and vice president for academic affairs to be considered for approval.