Capstone Courses

Note: A grade of B or above is required to pass a capstone course.

IGE 60100 Gerontology Capstone

The capstone experience provides a structured opportunity for students pursuing a master's degree in gerontology to integrate knowledge and experiences from course work and internships. Students explore a variety of theoretical, methodological, and professional issues in gerontology and conduct gerontological research. Course content includes fundamental knowledge about care of the older adult. It also reviews the financial, social, political, and cultural issues that affect the overall care of the elderly. Students must take the capstone concurrently with their final cluster or as a single class after completing the required core clusters.


IBA 56079 Project Management Capstone

This course is an in-depth study of the five process groups and ten knowledge areas encompassed by the Product Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®), to consolidate learning in each area and place it within the framework of the Project Management Institutes (PMI) Project Management certification examinations (CAPM® and PMP®). Each week during the course, students will focus on the processes, terminology and techniques within a chosen knowledge area. Also, students will apply their learning by working on assigned sample exam questions, and they will create a personal project plan to guide their preparation for taking the certification exam.

IBA 60100 Business Policies and Strategies

This course explores the practices and problems confronting the modern business organization through an analysis of cases or through business simulation studies. Special emphasis is given to strategic management, assessment, analysis, implementation, evaluation and control. A grade of B or better is required in order to pass this course. Testing fee required.


ICJ 60100 Criminal Justice Administration

The capstone ICJ course addresses administrative strategies in Policing, Corrections, Juvenile Justice, and the Court System. All of these areas are currently experiencing an intense period of examination, reflection, and experimentation. The course will analyze past and present practices and problems in an effort to propose practical solutions to dilemmas encountered by various Criminal Justice Administrators.


ICM 60100 Communications Capstone

This course develops advanced presentation skills and business etiquette as it applies in a variety of communications settings that occur in all phases of career and project development. Students are expected to select a project that is important to their intellectual and professional development in the communications field. The course will provide students with experiences to refine and demonstrate competent communications skills and apply appropriate assessment criteria to various presentation styles and formats through all phases of the capstone project. Required for Promotions, Media Management, and Training and Development.


IHM 60100 Healthcare Administration Capstone

This course examines leadership skills in the context of managing in Healthcare organizations. Course content includes strategic thinking, effective communications, team building, and leading in various contexts. While learning about leadership issues, students are required to synthesize the information and skills learned in previous clusters through activities such as group projects, case studies, presentations, and research papers. Testing fee required.


IHR 60100 Human Resource Management Capstone

The Capstone is your final core requirement and offers an intensive exploration of the applied aspect of human resource strategy, concepts and methodologies. Working as a team with other students, you will apply human resources management solutions to management simulations based upon a real-world organizational setting. You will apply what you've learned from you classes through lecture, discussion, case studies, and examples that emphasize the strategic role that human resource management plays in an organization. Students will experience the role of the HR leader as change agent including the organizational development tools of action research, strategic leadership, consensus building and core competencies needed to lead effectively in diverse organizations. Testing fee required.