Federal Pell Grant Program

The United States government sets the maximum Pell Grant award amount every year, which is $7,395 for 2023-2024.

  • Pell Grants are available to eligible undergraduate students.
  • Financial need is based on information submitted on the FAFSA.
  • Students must be working on their first bachelor degree.
  • Grant recipients may receive Pell Grants for up 12 semesters or the equivalent.

If you have already met or exceeded 12 semesters of eligibility you will no longer be able to receive Pell Grants even if you meet all other criteria. Equivalency is calculated by adding together the percentage of Pell Grants you received each year. For example: Your annual maximum Pell Grant eligibility in 2022–2023 was $6,895; however, you only received $3,448 because you were only enrolled for one semester and would have used 50% of your 600% (12 semesters equal 600%, your lifetime limit). If the next year you enroll in both semesters and receive your full amount of Pell Grants, you would use 100% of your Pell Grant eligibility and 150% of your lifetime limit.